Create and Use Email Templates in Gmail

Create an Intelligent Email Flow

The old email flow has you writing and sending messages off into the void. Maybe even writing down a note that you should follow up later.

The new, intelligent email flow allows you to use a template for getting started, track your email, write when convenient for you, arrive when convenient for the customer, and set smart =reminders for following up. All with a single tool for Gmail, instead of a whole collection.

Pull in a Salesforce template to use and edit from your compose window. Use Send Later to have the email arrive at the perfect time for your prospect (say a time you found they like with Email Tracking). Then, click Schedule Follow-Up to select the times and conditions for a reminder. Your reminder will even go into Salesforce as a task for later.

Improve your email workflow with Cirrus Insight, and leave all those extra tools at home. Letting you use that time to focus on the work that matters most to you.


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